AIM: Six weeks, two dances, dancers with no previous training……(we have 20 kids….the boys are at the toilet!!)


Figure 1:  Team picture…who said girls took longer to get changed!



Figure 2: Dress rehearsal (notice only one boy managed the tights!)

So far dancers enthusiastic, they all know the dance, the order and have brilliant performance…..but they all on beat unfortunately not starting from the same count..argh!

RESULT: Timing on point, complex choreography perfected (without me joining in) and performance skills truly excellent.

picture coming soon…….

CONCLUSION: Proud teacher, impressed head teacher and enthusiastic dancers. Next week the world!!

EVALUATION: Rather than end it there, I have been asked to arrange the dances for the competition in April. Kids ecstatic! Boys want to keep the tights!! (I have tumble dried the t-shirts).





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